趣味のアクリル画 (冬から春へ)

窓辺 By the window



(F10, on paper)

Although the outside is still winter, the inside is warm. The pictorial form is aimed to contrast the still life in the room with the shapes seen outside.    


三月の花 Flowers in March



活け方が難しいので、投げ入れ。(F6, on paper)

We have contracted with a florist to send us flowers every month. As the fine arrangement of flowers is hard task for me, I do flowers as they are.



哲学堂の桜       Cherry blossoms in Tetugaku-do garden 

今年はどこも桜がきれいに咲いた。満開の桜はとても幻想的に見える。背景にはメタセコイアの冬木。(F6, on paper)


This spring, cherry blossoms were beautiful everywhere, the full blossom of which was quite visionary.  There is a bare metasequoia in the background.

A fine chain is applied for the first time to decorate the frame. It looks like a necklace. 

It is convenient to use the masking tape designed by William Morris. 




飛翔 Fly


 山鳥といえば和歌にも詠まれる美しい長尾が特徴です。斜め斜線上に頭と尾を置いて、架空の樹で飛翔の高さを暗示させて、構図を整えてみました。実際の山鳥は英語にもなっているように銅色がかった茶色系ですが、画としては雰囲気がないので、緑を色どりに加えました。鳥の羽根などに細かな描写が欲しいのですが、画の大きさはF6サイズ (407mm x 320mm)なので、全体にペン(*)の筆跡を残しました。背景はパール・シルバーの地塗りです。

* ペンテル社製の水性ペン PulaMan は乾けば水ににじまず、アクリル画材とも相性がよい。


   The first impression of a stuffed copper pheasant tempted me to paint a kind of delicate and elegant beauty.

   As written in an old Japanese poem, the copper pheasant is known for its beautiful long tail feathers.  I decided to put the tail and the head along a line running from the upper right side to the lower left side of the paper.  An imaginary branch was added as a guide for the hight of the bird, and to keep the balance of the composition.  Although the actual color of the copper pheasant is brown, as is the English name, green colors were added to show off the painting. The drawing was made with pen and non-aqueous ink so as to represent the details of the bird on a small paper in size (F6; 407mm x 320mm).  The foundation was made with pearl-silver paints.




ポインセチア poinsettia



Poinsettia is well trimmed in the Christmas season.  The insertion of this paint has been delayed until the new year, regrettably

The painting work teaches me that the petals are mimicry.  Although the teleological explanation seems to satisfy me, it is strange why the leaves change to petal-like figures.  I feel the wonder of nature.

 I packed my sincere heart to you in the box.



夏から秋へ(アクリル画) Summer to Autumn (Acrylic drawing)


ヒマワリと笛吹人形(F6)Sunflowers and a Marionette


  One summer day, in a cabinet of the ASAHI culture school,  I found a bunch of artificial sunflowers and a marionette playing a recorder. I set them up  for the  motifs of the present drawing.  Funny figures are added in the background to make the atmosphere pleasant..



袋田の滝(F10) Fukuroda Falls


 Since the COVID-19 prevents us from traveling in these 2 years, I am frustrated by the inability to sketch scenery.  I tried to draw Fukuroda Falls by using a photograph, which I took  several years ago. The water flow was adequate to emphasize the details of the falls.This is a view from the lowest lookout.












山法師  ; Japanese strawberry tree



  額紫陽花(隅田の花火);  Lacecap Hydranea  (Firework on the River Sumida)


 季節の花をパソコン・ソフト(Windows, ペイント)で描きました。



(1) 絵筆による水彩などではパレットで色を混色しながら描くわけですが、パソコンソフトでは、画面上にある色パレットから色を選んで描いてみて、色が合わなければ、すぐまた消して、明度や彩度を変えて描き直せるので便利です。輪郭線が閉じた図形には一度に色を流し込めたり、画面上に描いた色を、その場所からスポイトで採って、別の場所に使うこともできて作業がはかどります。助手を使って作画する気分。

(2) 画を写真に撮ってメイルで送ると、色が正しく再現しないのですが、パソコン画なら元の色そのものが送れる良さがあります。

(3) 輪郭線からの描画はどうしても平面的でイラスト的になります。それもパソコン画の良さでもあろうと思ってます。


Good points of software painting

(1) Painting with software is more convenient  than with drawing barshes.  This work can be quickly achieved on the same computer screen only with a use of a pen-type mouse.  It is easy to replace a painted color to another color having slightly different brightness or chroma. We can use a tool called a "syringe" to convert the color from a painted frame to other positions. It is also able to fill a closed area at once with a selected color. I can feel as if I employ an assistant.  

(2) In the case of print, it is not easy to recreate exact colors of pictures. The colors of a work painted with a software, howeve, are not  discolored when it is sended. 

(3) Usually, I start a software painting from an outline drawing. Although the work is apt to be  two-dimensional and seems like an illustration, I think it is a good feature of the software painting. 

植物園 Greenhouse


黒インクによるスケッチ     Sketch with black ink


植物園:新宿御苑 Greenhouse, Shinjyuku Gyoen National Garden



  A big greenhouse covered with glass is sunny and is filled with tropical plants. 
 Those who have visited this place can recognize at a glance the spot from where this painting was viewed.  I felt the silence that was produced from the plants and water.  Since the passages in the greenhouse are narrow, visitors are not allowed to set up a tripod for painting.  I stood still for a while to sketch the scenery, and took photos of elements for the picture.  It required some effort for me to express the water surface and the clear window.