趣味のアクリル画 (冬から春へ)

窓辺 By the window



(F10, on paper)

Although the outside is still winter, the inside is warm. The pictorial form is aimed to contrast the still life in the room with the shapes seen outside.    


三月の花 Flowers in March



活け方が難しいので、投げ入れ。(F6, on paper)

We have contracted with a florist to send us flowers every month. As the fine arrangement of flowers is hard task for me, I do flowers as they are.



哲学堂の桜       Cherry blossoms in Tetugaku-do garden 

今年はどこも桜がきれいに咲いた。満開の桜はとても幻想的に見える。背景にはメタセコイアの冬木。(F6, on paper)


This spring, cherry blossoms were beautiful everywhere, the full blossom of which was quite visionary.  There is a bare metasequoia in the background.

A fine chain is applied for the first time to decorate the frame. It looks like a necklace. 

It is convenient to use the masking tape designed by William Morris.